RoADARC Members

Join Us

Annual membership is only £10 so click on the link below and join us now!

New Members
The easiest way to join us is to use our online system hosted by which can be found by clicking HERE. The website is secure and so can accept Credit Card payments although there are options for Standing Order (using the form below) and Bank Transfer. membermojo also helps us to meet the requirements of the GDPR, it significantly reduces the amount of paperwork and effort required for us to administer your membership of the group and it allows us to contact you about meetings and events more easily.
Existing Members
If you wish to renew your membership then please click HERE or if you wish to see what information we hold about you then please click HERE. In either case you will need to sign in, if you have forgotten your password then please click on the 
Sign In without Password
 option on the page.
Standing Order Form
If you wish to pay by Standing Order (our preferred method) then please download, print out and fill in by hand our Standing order form PDF and then send it to your bank.
If clicking on the form above does not seem to work, please right-click on the link and select "Save Link As..." or equivalent, to save the file to your computer, then open the file from there.
If you do not have an email address, or prefer not to use the internet for membership matters, then please phone 01223 901 248 for details on how to join. You can also talk to us at one of our meetings.
Important Information
Please note that potential applicants for Membership of RoADARC who earn, or intend to earn, their income from professional driving (e.g. taxi, lorry, coach, van etc.) and require a RoSPA driving test as a condition of their employment are outside the remit of RoADARC for training. For advice on training these drivers please contact Andy Nixon at or phone RoSPA on 01212 482 099.