Rideout to Two Flags Cafe


Authorised Group Documents
ConstitutionOur Group's Constitution contains information about our aims and objectives along with technical details of how the group is organised. (Approved by EGM February 2022)
AccreditationDocument showing that we are are an accredited RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders Group.
Data Protection Policy The General Data Protection Regulations require us to say what data we hold on our members, what it is used for and to to gain their consent for that use, this document explains RoADARC's policy about this. Please see below to see what information we hold.
Use of Personal Data Consent FormWe have to obtain your consent to use your data in the ways specified in our GDPR document above, please check your present consents as shown below. If you wish to change anything then please follow the instructions on the consent form.
To see what information we hold about you (on membermojo.co.uk) and consents you have given us then please click HERE. You will need to sign in, if you have forgotten your password then please click on the Sign In without Password option on the page.
External Links
RoADARC takes no responsibility for any content of external sites and do not necessarily approve of, or agree with the information they give.
RoADARRoSPA Advanced Drivers And Riders, our parent organisation. Find out all about the RoSPA advanced driving test and other information about advanced driving.
Other RoADAR GroupsA list of other RoADAR groups across the UK, if you do not live in Cambridgeshire.
The Highway CodeOnline version of the Highway Code.
Know Your Traffic SignsRoad traffic signage in Great Britain, including information on the signing system, regulatory signs, speed limit signs and all other signs.
Older DriversProduced by RoSPA and funded by Dept of Transport, this website helps older drivers to understand the legal requirements, and to cope with changes associated with getting older.
Road Victims TrustA charity that provides support to victims of road traffic collisions.
Advanced Driving HubA forum for advanced drivers and riders.
Advanced Driving UKPrivate and Fleet driver training.
Cambridgeshire Constabulary BikeSafeThe Cambridgeshire Police BikeSafe scheme is supported by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership. The Cambridgeshire police team follow the national BikeSafe curriculum, using video, power point and other presentation media to deliver the workshops. Many of our motorcyclists come to CADAR via the BikeSafe route.
Parents and Young DriversRoSPA advice and information for parents and young drivers on how to be safer on the road.
Think! Road Safety Government website about road safety. This has lots of posters and information about road safety campaigns.
East Anglian Air AmbulanceThe East Anglian Air Ambulance is probably who will come out to you if you or you family have a serious road accident (or other medical problem).
European Driving RulesThinking of driving in Europe? - ensure you know the rules of the road that are different from our own.
Driving and DementiaWe do sometimes get asked when people should stop driving, we are not qualified to make that judgement but here is some info on one reason when it might be an idea to give up the keys.